Making a Difference Together

Partnering with Charities to Impact Lives

Empowering Communities through Faith

Collaborating with Remnant Ministry

The Remnant Ministry is a collaborative organization of churches united to advance shared Heavenly missions. The Remnant Ministry honors and applies the Word of God to “Vindicate the weak and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; And deliver them out of the hand of the wicked” according to Psalms 82:3-4. Operating as an “association of churches” they provide crucial support in border operations, child trafficking recovery through Operation Millstone, and church ministry training. By partnering with leading Child Rescue Teams and providing resources to strengthen local and nationwide Partner Churches, they work to articulate and advance a family- and church-centered worldview.
They engage in ministry activities across the United States and internationally, sharing resources and expertise with their Partner Churches and other organizations to accomplish their common mission. Their dedicated team approach ensures that they make a meaningful difference in their communities and beyond.

Our greatest legacy is the impact we leave on the lives of others.
Transforming Lung Care Globally

Proud Supporters of the COPD Foundation

We are proud supporters of the COPD Foundation, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of over 380 million people worldwide affected by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), as well as those suffering from bronchiectasis and nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease. The COPD Foundation’s mission aligns with our commitment to advancing global awareness, enhancing patient experiences, and accelerating research and drug development. Through this partnership, we support their efforts in promoting early diagnosis and providing critical resources to patients and their families, especially in underserved communities. Together, we are making a meaningful impact on those most affected by lung disease.

Our Commitment to Community

Together, We Create Change

At Universal Care Groups, we are deeply committed to making a positive difference not only through our wellness and financial services but also by supporting these vital organizations. By supporting Remnant Ministry and the COPD Foundation, we strive to contribute to their missions, creating healthier, stronger communities.

How You Can Get Involved

You can join us in supporting these remarkable organizations by visiting their websites and learning more about their missions. Every donation, volunteer effort, and shared message helps make a meaningful impact.